Monday, February 28, 2011

Do your pictures know who you are?

While taking a picture of this fine Cappuccino container, i remembered that most modern cameras take JPEG images and embed so called metadata in them.This metadata is called EXIF, the data is extensive and contains specific information about your camera as well as the exact time and date. but what is most disturbing is that almost all modern cameras including your phone adds your exact GPS position to the picture.

Many times a picture has been posted innocuously and the posters identity was quickly revealed by the metadata and has, on occasion, ruined lives.

Obviously this is a problem, but it is easily rectified. I have tested several programs that do this and while there are many most have a clunky, hard to navigate user interface and are burdensome to use. I finally found a freeware called BatchPurifier that removes all metadata from your picture and can do it from several at a time. It is easy to use and fast as a fox, i very much recommend it.
You may find it here:

In conclusion, whenever you post one of your own pictures on the Internet, be it facebook, twitter, flickr or any other place please consider what you are revealing without deleting the metadata. I advise you delete the data from all of the pictures you intend to share, no one really needs your exact GPS coordinates. Be safe out there!


ebm93 said...

Oh I didn't know anything about this metadata. I'll be more careful from now on!

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